September 26, 2014

C++ and OOPS

basic oops concept in c++

OOPs – Object Oriented Programming System
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that uses “Objects “and their interactions to design applications and computer programs.

There are different types of OOPs are used, they are
  1. Object
  2. Class
  3. Data Abstraction & Encapsulation
  4. Inheritance
  5. Polymorphism
  6. Dynamic Binding
  7. Message Passing

1) Object : Object is the basic unit of object-oriented programming. Objects are identified by its unique name. An object represents a particular instance of a class. There can be more than one instance of an object. Each instance of an object can hold its own relevant data.
An Object is a collection of data members and associated member functions also known as methods.
For example whenever a class name is created according to the class an object should be created without creating object can’t able to use class.
The class of Dog defines all possible dogs by listing the characteristics and behaviors they can have; the object Lassie is one particular dog, with particular versions of the characteristics. A Dog has fur; Lassie has brown-and-white fur.
2) Class :
Classes are data types based on which objects are created. Objects with similar properties and methods are grouped together to form a Class. Thus a Class represents a set of individual objects. Characteristics of an object are represented in a class as Properties. The actions that can be performed by objects become functions of the class and is referred to as Methods.

For example consider we have a Class of Cars under which Santro Xing, Alto and WaganR represents individual Objects. In this context each Car Object will have its own, Model, Year of Manufacture, Colour, Top Speed, Engine Power etc., which form Properties of the Car class and the associated actions i.e., object functions like Start, Move, Stop form the Methods of Car Class.No memory is allocated when a class is created. Memory is allocated only when an object is created, i.e., when an instance of a class is created.
3) Data abstraction & Encapsulation : The wrapping up of data and its functions into a single unit is called Encapsulation. 
When using Data Encapsulation, data is not accessed directly, it is only accessible through the functions present inside the class.
Data Abstraction increases the power of programming language by creating user defined data types. Data Abstraction also represents the needed information in the program without presenting the details.
Abstraction refers to the act of representing essential features without including the background details or explanation between them.
For example, a class Car would be made up of an Engine, Gearbox, Steering objects, and many more components. To build the Car class, one does not need to know how the different components work internally, but only how to interface with them, i.e., send messages to them, receive messages from them, and perhaps make the different objects composing the class interact with each other.
4) Inheritance :
Inheritance is the process of forming a new class from an existing class or base class. 

The base class is also known as parent class or super class, the new class that is formed is called derived class. 
Derived class is also known as a child class or sub class. Inheritance helps in reducing the overall code size of the program, which is an important concept in object-oriented programming.
It is classifieds into different types, they are
  • Single level inheritance
  • Multi-level inheritance
  • Hybrid inheritance
  • Hierarchial inheritance
5) Polymorphism :
Polymorphism allows routines to use variables of different types at different times. An operator or function can be given different meanings or functions. Polymorphism refers to a single function or multi-functioning operator performing in different ways.

Poly a Greek term ability to take more than one form. Overloading is one type of Polymorphism. It allows an object to have different meanings, depending on its context. When an exiting operator or function begins to operate on new data type, or class, it is understood to be overloaded.
6) Dynamic binding :
It contains a concept of Inheritance and Polymorphism.

7) Message Passing : It refers to that establishing communication between one place to another.

September 20, 2014

Difference between Resume vs CV.

CV vs Resume

A CV (Curriculum Vitæ, which means course of life in Latin) is an in-depth document that can be laid out over two or more pages and it contains a high level of detail about your achievements, a great deal more than just a career biography. The CV covers your education as well as any other accomplishments like publications, awards, honors etc.
The document tends to be organized chronologically and should make it easy to get an overview of an individual’s full working career. A CV is static and doesn’t change for different positions, the difference would be in the cover letter.
A resume, or résumé, is a concise document typically not longer than one page as the intended the reader will not dwell on your document for very long. The goal of a resume is to make an individual stand out from the competition.
The job seeker should adapt the resume to every position they apply for. It is in the applicant’s interest to change the resume from one job application to another and to tailor it to the needs of the specific post. A resume doesn’t have to be ordered chronologically, doesn’t have to cover your whole career like and is a highly customizable document.

Types Of Resume

Chronological Resume:
A chronological resume starts by listing your work history, with the most recent position listed first. Your jobs are listed in reverse chronological order with your current, or most recent job, first. Employers typically prefer this type of resume because it's easy to see what jobs you have held and when you have worked at them.

Functional Resume:
A functional resume focuses on your skills and experience, rather than on your chronological work history. It is used most often by people who are changing careers or who have gaps in their employment history.

Combination Resume:
A combination resume lists your skills and experience first. Your employment history is listed next. With this type of resume you can highlight the skills you have that are relevant to the job you are applying for, and also provide the chronological work history that employers prefer.


As stated, three major differences between CVs and resumes are the length, the purpose and the layout. A resume is a brief summary of your skills and experience over one or two pages, a CV is more detailed and can stretch well beyond two pages. The resume will be tailored to each position whereas the CV will stay put and any changes will be in the cover letter.
A CV has a clear chronological order listing the whole career of the individual whereas a resume’s information can be shuffled around to best suit the applicant. I would say the main difference between a resume and a CV is that a CV is intended to be a full record of your career history and a resume is a brief, targeted list of skills and achievements.

How Long Should a Resume Format Be?
  • No more than two pages for most job seekers.
  • Up to three pages for an executive.
  • A gazillion pages(indefinite quantity) or more for academic and scientific CVs.

Cover Letter
What is a cover letter? A cover letter is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information on your skills and experience.
Employers use cover letters as a way to screen applicants for available jobs and to determine which candidates they would like to interview. If an employer requires a cover letter, it should be listed in the job posting.
What is Included in a Cover Letter
A cover letter typically provides detailed information on why you are qualified for the job you are applying for. Effective cover letters explain the reasons for your interest in the specific organization and identify your most relevant skills or experiences.

September 19, 2014

Network Architectures

Network Architectures

A host refers to any device that is connected to a network. A host can also
be defined as any device assigned a network address.
A host can serve one or more functions:
• A host can request data, often referred to as a client.
• A host can provide data, often referred to as a server.
• A host can both request and provide data, often referred to as a peer.
Because of these varying functions, multiple network architectures have
been developed, including:

• Peer-to-Peer
• Client/Server
• Mainframe/Terminal

In a basic peer-to-peer architecture, all hosts on the network can both
request and provide data and services. For example, two Windows XP
workstations configured to share files would be considered a peer-to-peer
Peer-to-peer networks are very simple to configure, yet this architecture
presents several challenges. Data is difficult to manage and back-up, as it is
spread across multiple devices. Security is equally problematic, as user
accounts and permissions much be configured individually on each host.

In a client/server architecture, hosts are assigned specific roles. Clients
request data and services stored on servers. An example of a client/server
network would be Windows XP workstations accessing files off of a
Windows 2003 server.
There are several advantages to the client/server architecture. Data and
services are now centrally located on one or more servers, consolidating the
management and security of that data. As a result, client/server networks can
scale far larger than peer-to-peer networks.
One key disadvantage of the client/server architecture is that the server can
present a single point of failure. This can be mitigated by adding
redundancy at the server layer.

In a mainframe/terminal architecture, a single device (the mainframe)
stores all data and services for the network. This provides the same
advantages as a client/server architecture – centralized management and
security of data

September 18, 2014


Basic Network Types

Network types are often defined by function or size. The two most common 
categories of networks are: 
• LANs (Local Area Networks)
• WANs (Wide Area Networks)

A LAN is generally a high-speed network that covers a small geographic
area, usually contained within a single building or campus. A LAN is 
usually under the administrative control of a single organization. Ethernet is 
the most common LAN technology. 

A WAN can be defined one of two ways. The book definition of a WAN is a 
network that spans large geographical locations, usually to connect multiple 
LANs. This is a general definition, and not always accurate. 
A more practical definition of a WAN is a network that traverses a public or 
commercial carrier, using one of several WAN technologies. A WAN is often 
under the administrative control of several organizations (or providers), and 
does not necessarily need to span large geographical distances. 

A MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) is another category of network, 
though the term is not prevalently used. A MAN is defined as a network that 
connects LAN’s across a city-wide geographic area. 

An internetwork is a general term describing multiple networks connected 
together. The Internet is the largest and most well-known internetwork. 

September 17, 2014

what is protocol ?

Protocols are rules that govern how devices communicate and share 
information across a network. Examples of protocols include: 
• IP – Internet Protocol 
• HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol 
• SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol 

Multiple protocols often work together to facilitate end-to-end network 
communication, forming protocol suites or stacks. 


September 16, 2014

What Is Network ?

What Is Network ?

A network is simply defined as something that connects things together for
a specific purpose. The term network is used in a variety of contexts,
including telephone, television, computer, or even people networks.
A computer network connects two or more devices together to share a
nearly limitless range of information and services, including:
• Documents
• Email and messaging
• Websites
• Databases
• Music
• Printers and faxes
• Telephony and videoconferencing

September 12, 2014


Java table


“Java” refers to a set of programs and standards originally created by Sun Microsystems, and now owned by Oracle


The Microsoft .NET Framework is a software framework for developing and executing applications on Windows client and server operating systems. It provides features and functionality that are designed specifically for creating and running applications on the Windows platform, but also supports connectivity with non-Windows systems.

Which is better for future? 

No one can predict the future in the technology domain; because things change here every single minute. As a software engineer / developer - you should *not* stick to any specific language; yet master one that you are currently working on. Let me make it very clear  - You need to be master of at least one and jack of several!  If you have concept of basic progrmmaing language; you should be able to get comfortable with any programming language, tool or framework within short time.

Start with any - and learn it with all the interest and try to be excellent. If you pick up .NET; don't hate Java and vice-versa. If your current job demands C# and ASP; learn it. If you are just starting out with a big IT company that has not told you which profile they will assign to you; it just doesn't matter.Company seeks engineers who are smart learner and can switch to any technology any time.

September 10, 2014

Need of Website

  1. Websites Are Not Just Local, They Are Global.
  2. Websites Never Sleep.  
  3. Your small business will gain credibility.
  4. It will enable you to keep your customer informed.
  5. Websites Help Establish More Customers. 
  6. Websites Improve Customer Confidence & Corporate Image.
  7. It improves customer service.
  8. A website saves your time.
  9. A website makes it possible to target a wider market.
  10. A website saves your money.

September 9, 2014

Difference between C and C++

1. C follows the procedural programming paradigm while C++ is a multi-paradigm language(procedural as well as object oriented)

2. C is a low-level language while C++ is a middle-level language (Relatively, Please see the discussion at the end of the post)

3. In case of C, the data is not secured while the data is secured(hidden) in C++

4. C++ allows the use of reference variables while C does not

5. The standard input & output functions differ in the two languages

6. We can use functions inside structures in C++ but not in C.

7. The NAMESPACE feature in C++ is absent in case of C

8. C++ supports function overloading while C does not

9. C is function-driven while C++ is object-driven

10. C uses the top-down approach while C++ uses the bottom-up approach

August 20, 2014

Top 5 Programming Languages


Image result for c#  language logo
Pronounced "C-sharp," C# is a multi-paradigm language developed by Microsoft as part of its .NET initiative. Combining principles from C and C++, C# is a general-purpose language used to develop software for Microsoft and Windows platforms.


Five Best Programming Languages for First-Time Learners
It is a pure object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. It's one of the most in-demand programming languages, a standard for enterprise software, web-based content, games and mobile apps, as well as the Android operating system. Java is designed to work across multiple software platforms, i.e. a program written on Mac OS X, for example, could also run on Windows.


Image result for c language logo
It is a general-purpose, imperative programming language, C is the oldest and most widely used language, providing the building blocks for other popular languages, such as C#, Java, JavaScript and Python. C is mostly used for implementing operating systems and embedded applications.


Image result for c++ language logo
 It is an intermediate-level language with object-oriented programming features, originally designed to enhance the C language. C++ powers major software like Firefox, Winamp and Adobe programs. It's used to develop systems software, application software, high-performance server and client applications and video games.

Objective C:-

Image result for objective c  language logo
Objective-C is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language used by the Apple operating system. It powers Apple's OS X and iOS, as well as its APIs, and can be used to create iPhone apps, which has generated a huge demand for this once-outmoded programming language.

August 9, 2014

Best Android Mobile Antivirus

Do we need antivirus on Android

When you have a platform based on the Linux operating system, is it enough to assume the platformresistance to protect from viruses? 
Question arise what about Android platform? I'll explore this issue, but let me clearify few terms before i explore ,Do we need antivirus?

Virus vs. spyware vs. Trojan

First, let's examine what the three types of threats mentioned most are:
  • Virus: A true virus is a piece of malicious software or code that can infect a computer and then spread to other computers. Viruses are very commonly transmitted via email attachments.
  • Spyware: Spyware is a malicious piece of software that collects information about users without their knowledge.
  • Trojan: This software appears to serve a desirable function, but in reality, the software's purpose is malicious.

Android has been around for a few years now and yet the topic of security continues to be the source of some argument. So is it true that Android is not susceptible to virus threats and, provided you are careful about what you download, there is no real need for antivirus software. But ,reports and statistics claiming that malware is frighteningly common and any Android device without protection is sure to get infected. So

The more open nature of the Android operating system makes it more susceptible to the kind of malware that we've grown accustomed to dealing with on Windows PCs. Although the scale of the Android malware problem isn't yet as bad as it is on Windows, it remains a threat all the same. 
Now a days Antivirus is usually only component of the offered Android protection packages also have features which  include easy-to-use backup features for user’s data, remote wipe in case the phone gets lost, etc.”

Is Google Play a hot bed of malware?

The idea that malware-infected apps are proliferating in Google Play is popular. Recent security research says that one third of Android applications carried some form of malwar.
So i will suggest to android user that check background of aplication before installing.To vallidate you can visit official websites and can also check certificate provided by many authorized companies.You can also view review.

Favourable and Un Favourable factors of security apps to install

Since many Android security apps combine anti-theft features with backup and antivirus, it won’t hurt to install them, but a pure antivirus solution might not be so worthwhile.
Disadvantage of installing antivirus  –
  • cost -which you can avoid with a free option.
  • Bad impact on processing power
  • it will occasionally identify legitimate apps as malware ,if not able to detect app.

Best Anti Virus For You Android Mobile 

  • Trend Micro Mobile Security is a security app for Android phone and Android tablet.
  • Avast Mobile Security & Anti-Virus is a suit of security and backup tools for Android smartphones and tablets.
  • Qihoo 360 Mobile Safe provides a vast array of security and useful phone management tools, all offered without any charge whatsoever.
  • Kaspersky Internet Security offers solid protection for Android phone and Android tablet.
  • Norton Mobile Security 2014 offers a vast array of security and useful phone management tools, all without any charge whatsoever.

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July 29, 2014

What Will Happen to Your Facebook Profile When You Die.

Facebook has an FAQ section dedicated to the three options people have with a recently dead people's account:
  1. Memorializing the account.
  2. Requesting to delete the account.
  3. Downloading the contents of the account, and then having it deleted. 

 Also, there is a Facebook app you can download, called “If I die,” that you can set up at any point before your death to help put your social accounts in order and send out a last message if you wish.

Download If I Die App :

Memorializing Your Account
Memorializing the account means turning it into a page where people can leave comments and celebrate your life, much like a Facebook Fan Page.

If you have a digital executor, that person can take control of your Facebook profile when you are gone and take care of things on your behalf, no questions asked.

If you don’t have a digital executor, there are a few ways in which to handle your Facebook page after you pass. One of which is to have it memorialized. When an account is memorialized, only confirmed friends can see the timeline or locate it in the search bar. The timeline will no longer appear in the search or suggestion of the home page, and only friends and family can leave posts on the profile in remembrance.

You can find a full FAQ here, and you can fill out a request for an account to be memorialized here.

Have Your Account Removed/Deleted

Deleting the account means that all information and data will be completely removed from Facebook. Tagged pictures will remain if someone else originally uploaded or posted them, but all things originating from the deceased’s account will be removed from the site.To do so,you have to  submit a request here and Facebook will process it as a special request for verification to your family members. This option will completely delete the timeline and all associated content from Facebook. 

An App That Handles Your Last Messages

Downloading the contents of a Facebook account requires a formal request discussed below where Facebook verifies you as acceptable to download the information, and then the process begins from there.

 For more info you can vsit  -
Else you can watch video for more information

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Digital Executor

A digital executor is responsible for managing your digital assets after you die, paying any debts or maintenance fees on behalf of your digital estate, and making sure that your digital assets are distributed to the people you want in the way you want.
A digital executor does not replace a real executor, but serves in that way what real one used to. In many states, a digital executor may not be legally recognized.

What does a digital executor do?

A digital executor's job depends on what you want your digital executor to do with your digital property after your death. These tasks can include:
  • Informing any online communities or online friends of your death.
  • Archiving personal files, photos, videos, and other content you've created
  • Deleting files from your computer or other devices, or erasing devices' hard drives
  • Maintaining certain online accounts, which may include paying for services to continue (such as web hosting services)
  • Collecting and transferring any money or usable credits to your heirs


July 27, 2014

What Is Search Engine.

 Search Engine

Search engines are programs that search documents for specified keywords and returns a list of the documents where the keywords were found. 

There are thousands of different search engines available on the Internet having different features and ability.The first search engine ever developed is considered Archie, which was used to search for FTP files and the first text-based search engine is considered Veronica. Today, the most popular and well known search engine is Google.

In all search engines there is a spider or crawler, which visits the web pages that will be crawled in the search and grabs the contents of each of those pages.Generally spider content ,title ,heading ,keyword etc relevant to page.Once a page has been crawled the data contained within the page is processed,this involves , grabbing the location of each of the words in the page, the frequency they occur, links to other pages, images, etc. This data is used to rank the page and is the primary method a search engine uses to determine if a page should be shown and in what order.

In short Let Me Show You How Search Engine Works

  • 60  trillion individual pages
  • Google navigates the web by crawling.
  • That means  follow links from page to page.
  • Maintain index of link.
  • Sort the pages on the basis of their content and other factors. 
  • Keep track of it all in the index. 
  • Programs  & formulas to deliver the best results possible.
  • Algorithms get to work looking for clues to better understand what you mean.
  • Based on these clues, search engine pull relevant documents from the index. 

Top Search Engine & Their Global ranking till 27/July/14

  • Google - Alexa Global Rank : 1
  • Yahoo ! Search - Alexa Global Rank : 4
  • Bing  - Alexa Global Rank : 24
  • Ask - Alexa Global Rank : 34
  • Aol Search - Alexa Global Rank:116


Click Here -How do i get my website on the top search engine.


July 22, 2014

How to Download Youtube Video

Watching videos is everyone’s favorite pastime on the Internet. Everyone has a favorite place to watch videos, Youtube may be a problem if you have a slow Internet connection.They need good internet connection so that you can play that video without streaming.

Wouldn’t it be great to first download those videos then watch it like you would a full movie, without interruptions? Youtube doesn’t have a built-in download feature but that doesn’t matter, because here we are giving you way to download your favourate video without any problem.

It would be great if you get that video in many formate so that you can play videos not only in your system but also in your mobile,tablet etc.

Just follow the steps which i am going to mention

  1. Download Freemake video downloader from this link                                                                Maverick Console Services
  2. Double click after it get downloaded.
  3. Select language english.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Click Next in case if you want custom then click Custom.
  6. Check checkbox to accept Terms & Condition.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Now finish.

July 20, 2014

How to Speed Up a slow-moving Android Smartphone

Daily mobile companies launching new features,new version,new apps for smartphones.Whether you're resisting yourself to upgrade to newer, faster hardware as now your Android phone feel slow and laggy, here are some ways to make your older phone run a bit smoother.

Get Rid of Superfluous & Misbehaving Apps

The purpose of this procedure is not so much to free space but to remove any apps that might be performing poorly.When we discussed the myth of Android task killers, we mentioned that one of the real problems with slow phones is running poorly coded apps—apps that use up too much CPU in the background.

Step 1: Open the Settings area by touching the Settings cogwheel-like icon. Then scroll through to the Apps menu item. In older versions of Android, it's labeled Applications.

Step 2: Touch the Downloaded tab and scroll through the list of apps. These are the apps that you've installed over the years.

Step 3: Touch the app label for any app that you haven't used in six months and press Clear Cache, then Clear Data and then Disable or Uninstall, depending on options proffered.

Step 4: Test by restarting the phone and unscientifically identifying whether performance has improved. Key benchmarks are time-to-start and speed-of-scroll between home screens.
If the phone is feeling nimble again, you've identified your issue.

Make Some Spac:Uninstall or Move Apps to Free Up Space

Step 1: Open the Apps menu item again from within Settings.
Step 2: Choose Options and then Sort by size.
Step 3: Scroll through the first few apps -- the most memory-hungry -- and clear the caches by pressing the Clear Cache button within each App label. This will free memory, allowing more operating headroom. Then test.
Step 4: Check storage by opening the Settings area again. Then scroll through to the Storage menu item.
View the Internal Storage graphical bar.

Reinstall the Factory Stock Software

If the previous steps haven't solved the problem, Reconfigure your apps.
Step 1: Open the Backup and Reset menu item from Settings and check Backup My Data along with your Google account details if prompted.
Tip: Leave the phone connected to the Interne.
Step 2: Select Factory Data Reset from the same menu and follow the prompts to perform a full wipe and OS reinstall.
Tip: Before a reset save, off-device, any internal storage-stored media files, like captured photographs. A reset wipes internal storage.
Step 3: Allow the phone to restart and follow the prompts to set up your Google account on the device anew.
Step 4: Reconfigure your apps' settings.