September 19, 2014

Network Architectures

Network Architectures

A host refers to any device that is connected to a network. A host can also
be defined as any device assigned a network address.
A host can serve one or more functions:
• A host can request data, often referred to as a client.
• A host can provide data, often referred to as a server.
• A host can both request and provide data, often referred to as a peer.
Because of these varying functions, multiple network architectures have
been developed, including:

• Peer-to-Peer
• Client/Server
• Mainframe/Terminal

In a basic peer-to-peer architecture, all hosts on the network can both
request and provide data and services. For example, two Windows XP
workstations configured to share files would be considered a peer-to-peer
Peer-to-peer networks are very simple to configure, yet this architecture
presents several challenges. Data is difficult to manage and back-up, as it is
spread across multiple devices. Security is equally problematic, as user
accounts and permissions much be configured individually on each host.

In a client/server architecture, hosts are assigned specific roles. Clients
request data and services stored on servers. An example of a client/server
network would be Windows XP workstations accessing files off of a
Windows 2003 server.
There are several advantages to the client/server architecture. Data and
services are now centrally located on one or more servers, consolidating the
management and security of that data. As a result, client/server networks can
scale far larger than peer-to-peer networks.
One key disadvantage of the client/server architecture is that the server can
present a single point of failure. This can be mitigated by adding
redundancy at the server layer.

In a mainframe/terminal architecture, a single device (the mainframe)
stores all data and services for the network. This provides the same
advantages as a client/server architecture – centralized management and
security of data

September 18, 2014


Basic Network Types

Network types are often defined by function or size. The two most common 
categories of networks are: 
• LANs (Local Area Networks)
• WANs (Wide Area Networks)

A LAN is generally a high-speed network that covers a small geographic
area, usually contained within a single building or campus. A LAN is 
usually under the administrative control of a single organization. Ethernet is 
the most common LAN technology. 

A WAN can be defined one of two ways. The book definition of a WAN is a 
network that spans large geographical locations, usually to connect multiple 
LANs. This is a general definition, and not always accurate. 
A more practical definition of a WAN is a network that traverses a public or 
commercial carrier, using one of several WAN technologies. A WAN is often 
under the administrative control of several organizations (or providers), and 
does not necessarily need to span large geographical distances. 

A MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) is another category of network, 
though the term is not prevalently used. A MAN is defined as a network that 
connects LAN’s across a city-wide geographic area. 

An internetwork is a general term describing multiple networks connected 
together. The Internet is the largest and most well-known internetwork. 

September 17, 2014

what is protocol ?

Protocols are rules that govern how devices communicate and share 
information across a network. Examples of protocols include: 
• IP – Internet Protocol 
• HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol 
• SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol 

Multiple protocols often work together to facilitate end-to-end network 
communication, forming protocol suites or stacks. 


September 16, 2014

What Is Network ?

What Is Network ?

A network is simply defined as something that connects things together for
a specific purpose. The term network is used in a variety of contexts,
including telephone, television, computer, or even people networks.
A computer network connects two or more devices together to share a
nearly limitless range of information and services, including:
• Documents
• Email and messaging
• Websites
• Databases
• Music
• Printers and faxes
• Telephony and videoconferencing

September 12, 2014


Java table


“Java” refers to a set of programs and standards originally created by Sun Microsystems, and now owned by Oracle


The Microsoft .NET Framework is a software framework for developing and executing applications on Windows client and server operating systems. It provides features and functionality that are designed specifically for creating and running applications on the Windows platform, but also supports connectivity with non-Windows systems.

Which is better for future? 

No one can predict the future in the technology domain; because things change here every single minute. As a software engineer / developer - you should *not* stick to any specific language; yet master one that you are currently working on. Let me make it very clear  - You need to be master of at least one and jack of several!  If you have concept of basic progrmmaing language; you should be able to get comfortable with any programming language, tool or framework within short time.

Start with any - and learn it with all the interest and try to be excellent. If you pick up .NET; don't hate Java and vice-versa. If your current job demands C# and ASP; learn it. If you are just starting out with a big IT company that has not told you which profile they will assign to you; it just doesn't matter.Company seeks engineers who are smart learner and can switch to any technology any time.