June 30, 2023

There may be another planet lurking at the fringe of our solar system, according to scientists.

According to research, there may be a ninth planet in our solar system after all, but it may be hidden at the farthest regions of the Sun's influence.

There are eight planets in our solar system. Pluto is no longer considered to be a planet, therefore it used to be nine. A pre-print research piece that has not yet undergone peer review, however, puts up the theory that the Sun has "trapped" another planet that may be lurking in the "Oort cloud," far, far away.

According to NASA, the solar system's furthest region is the Oort Cloud. It is thought to be home to billions or trillions of ice space objects, some of which may be as huge as mountains. The Kuiper belt, which currently spans about 50 astronomical units, is estimated to be far closer than this object. The separation between the stars is one astronomical unit.

An multinational team of scientists discovers a possibility that our solar system could have a planet that is hidden away at its farthest corner in a recent pre-print (yet to be peer-reviewed) study. However, how does that operate?

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